Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Amazon.com selling pedophilia

Last week outrage spread across America at the news your company was selling a book promoting pedophilia. Now I learn that MSNBC has reported that Amazon is selling sexualized, nude images of girls as young as 11 years old in books and videos depicting pre-pubescent Eastern European and Asian girls.

I, and millions of others, find the sale of such materials reprehensible and abhorrent!

No responsible corporate citizen would sell such disgusting material or condone the sexual abuse of children. And while Amazon may claim to not support or promote criminal acts, by providing this material that is exactly what your company is doing!

I understand that this is not the first time Amazon has offered materials promoting illegal activity. Until you cease offering material that condones criminal sexual conduct and retract your statement rationalizing the sale of such, I in good conscience will not do business with Amazon and I’ll encourage others to join me. I urge you to recognize the harm such material can do to individual lives and ask that you put the welfare of vulnerable children ahead of profit or policy. Please do what is right and remove such materials from your site. I look forward to your response.

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