Saturday, November 12, 2011

Your Sponsorship of Glee

Subject: Your Sponsorship of Glee

As a consumer, I desire to support companies that are not actively working to oppose my value system. The television program a company chooses to advertise on speaks volumes as to whether or not I choose to buy that product or patronize that business.

And so, as a potential customer, I am contacting you to let you know how troubled I am by your sponsorship of the show Glee on FOX Broadcasting.

Instead of offering positive role models for its millions of young viewers, Glee teaches teens a course in illicit sexuality. The most recent episode entitled “The First Time”, which you sponsored, glorified teenage sexual activity – both heterosexual and homosexual – and gave teens the view that casual sex is meaningless and that young people who chose abstinence are abnormal and “odd.” Our youth are paying the physical and emotional price of these lies – lies your company help pay for.

Glee creator Ryan Murphy has made clear his agenda to push illicit sexuality on our youth and over the airwaves, having stated:

“It is tough to get that sexual point of view across on television. Hopefully I have made it possible for somebody on broadcast television to do a rear-entry scene in three years. Maybe that will be my legacy.”

I urge you to pull support from this concerning program and use your corporate influence in ways that build up, not tear down, our society and our youth, exercising greater care in the ideas and content you promote.

I look forward to your response.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Support the Protect Life Act (H.R. 358)

The health care law enacted in 2010 ("ObamaCare") contains multiple provisions that authorize federal subsidies for abortion and for health plans that cover abortion. I am strongly opposed to federal subsidies for abortion or for abortion-covering health plans. I urge you to support the Protect Life Act, H.R. 358, and to oppose all amendments that might be offered to weaken or sidetrack this legislation. Please inform me of how you voted or intend to vote on this legislation, which is very important to me.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Tell 2012 Candidates “ENFORCE THE LAWS!”

As a concerned voter, I request your response to the following at it impacts my voting decision:

Will you agree to vigorously prosecute illegal adult pornography if elected president? Federal obscenity laws prohibit distribution of hardcore “obscene” pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops, through the mail, and by common carrier. Pornography is causing great harm to America. It is causing addiction to children and adults and increasing violence against women. It is a contributing factor to sexual trafficking and causing an increase in child pornography. It is a leading cause of divorce and harming many marriages. Please tell me your position. Will you order your Attorney General to make adult obscenity prosecutions a priority?

Sent to 2012 Presidential Candidates

Stop The Playboy Club

Does pornography and the exploitation of women represent the values of your company? As you advertised on the NBC show THE PLAYBOY CLUB, your corporate dollars foster the promotion and legitimization of pornography and condones a view of women as nothing more than sexual playthings for the pleasure of men.

How you advertise is your choice. How I spend my money is mine. As long as your advertising aligns with pornography and undermines the families that support your company, I will not support your company with my dollars. Please do the right thing: Discontinue sponsoring THE PLAYBOY CLUB – a show that blatantly promotes pornography, demeans women, and erodes time-honored standards of decency. I look forward to your response.

Sent to:

Friday, June 24, 2011

Boy Minus Girl


I have been made aware that First Book is distributing the book BOY MINUS GIRL as part of your literacy outreach to disadvantaged youth. You claim that your goal includes transforming the lives of children in need and elevating the quality of education.

However, the only transformation this book does is to expose vulnerable children to sexually explicit material that is completely inappropriate and destructive to their physical and emotional well-being. You have stated that this book is part of your young adult collection – intended for teenage readers. Minors are not adults and a book that begins with sex tips for middle schoolers is not quality education!

Teens are under enough sexual pressure without being encouraged to read explicit literature better suited to a Playboy or Penthouse. The fact that the last tip in the book discourages viewing a woman as "a conquest" does not validate the fact that the preceding pages give young boys tips on how to pleasure a woman with their tongue.

I urge you to build up our treasured youth - not lay the ground work for their destruction.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Selective Free Speech

Pornography Harms - Facebook - 23MAY2011

The very popular Facebook page, Pornography Harms, with almost 35,000 followers was unjustly shut down last night with the claim that they violated Facebook terms and conditions.

Exodus International - Apple App Store - 23MAR2011

Apple Bans ‘Ex-Gay’ Christian App That Offers Alternatives to Homosexuality

Pornography Harms - YouTube - 2010

The Pornography Harms YouTube channel was shut down as well last year with the claims that they violated the terms and conditions

Manhattan Declaration - Apple App Store - 23DEC2010

Apple is telling us that the apps' content is considered "likely to expose a group to harm" and "to be objectionable and potentially harmful to others." Inasmuch as the Manhattan Declaration simply reaffirms the moral teachings of our Christian faith on the sanctity of human life, marriage and sexual morality, and religious freedom and the rights of conscience, Apple's statement amounts to the charge that our faith is "potentially harmful to others."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

H.R. 459 / S 202 Audit the Fed Bill

I urge you to cosponsor and make every effort to seek roll call votes on the H.R. 459 / S 202 Audit the Fed Bill.

The Federal Reserve refuses to give a public accounting of the TRILLIONS in recent taxpayer-backed loans.

Congress has the responsibility to force a public audit of the Federal Reserve, and the American people deserve to know how their tax dollars are being spent.

Allowing the Fed to remain out of control and shrouded in secrecy clearly allows for abuse and the continued stealing of our tax dollars through inflation and unaccounted electronic bank "loans".

The Federal Reserve's abuses lead to constant economic crises like the current housing crisis, international banking crisis and the resulting chaos.

The Federal Reserve System forces fuel, food, housing, medical care and education costs upward, meaning that everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of money slowly decreases.

History shows us that riots, violence and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and REFUSE to accept it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

SI Swimsuit Issue

I am appalled that your company advertised in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. This magazine is nothing more than a phony version of Playboy. Its sole purpose is the pornographic exhibition of women for the pleasure of men. You have helped empower a magazine that degrades women and desensitizes, addicts and is lust-provoking in men.

There are many others like me who do not appreciate companies that promote illicit sex. Many of your competitors chose not to advertise in the SI Swimsuit issue. That speaks volumes to me. I seek an apology and urge you to stop using your advertising dollars in ways that degrade women and are destructive to our families and society.

Sent to:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

American Idol condoning the sexualization of youth

For years American Idol has drawn millions of viewers – namely families who found in American Idol a show with a reputation for being family-friendly. Even MTV agreed by stating:

Idol has always been a kind of wholesome family affair that the entire clan can sit down and watch together without worrying about foul language, nudity or any other PG-13 antics. That's before new judge Steven Tyler came onboard… (source: MTV)

And judging by Tyler’s sexually-suggestive comments to young girls on the first episode, you have abandoned this image for a grasp at notoriety. Do FOX and American Idol condone the sexual exploitation of underage girls and young women? Unless you rein in Tyler, you are doing just that and jeopardizing not only your reputation, but also your viewership. I believe my concern represents millions of potential viewers – we do not want to see young girls treated as sexual objects!

As long as you allow this exploitation on American Idol, you have lost me as a viewer and I will encourage others to tune you out as well. I look forward to hearing from you and hope you will bring remedy to this very troubling concern.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

CitizenLink should not participate in CPAC


Please remove my email and address from your mailing list.

I can not agree with or support CitizenLink's decision to remain associated with compromise events such as CPAC that legitimizes organizations such as GOProud.

I once believed that Focus on the Family would not be on the same side as an organization that promotes the normalization of homosexuality and the destruction of traditional marriage. I am sad that I was wrong.

Focus on Family group stays in conservative conference despite presence of gay activists

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Email to Human Events about Coulter



Please unsubscribe me from all email newsletters. I previously subscribed to the Ann Coulter newsletter. However, since Ms. Coulter has chosen to support the GOProud homosexual agenda I have canceled subscription to any outlet that syndicates her columns.

Ann Coulter chose to accept an engagement at GOProud's "Homocon" convention last September. Ms. Coulter since has done nothing to counter GOProud's use of her appearance to legitimize their ungodly and sin-glorifying agenda.

Politico reported that "her [Coulter's] presence marked the increasingly mainstream Republican embrace of gay rights." and quoted Michael Lucas as saying: "She's doing something important – she's showing her base that it's OK", and "I wonder what Ann will think about the fact that I am the biggest producer of gay porn on the East Coast and probably in the whole U.S.".(1)

I cannot in good conscience support any enterprise that associates with the effort of radical homosexuals and progressives to high-jack the conservative movement.

(1) They're gay, conservative and proud, By BEN SMITH | 9/25/10 9:10 PM EDT