Friday, June 24, 2011

Boy Minus Girl


I have been made aware that First Book is distributing the book BOY MINUS GIRL as part of your literacy outreach to disadvantaged youth. You claim that your goal includes transforming the lives of children in need and elevating the quality of education.

However, the only transformation this book does is to expose vulnerable children to sexually explicit material that is completely inappropriate and destructive to their physical and emotional well-being. You have stated that this book is part of your young adult collection – intended for teenage readers. Minors are not adults and a book that begins with sex tips for middle schoolers is not quality education!

Teens are under enough sexual pressure without being encouraged to read explicit literature better suited to a Playboy or Penthouse. The fact that the last tip in the book discourages viewing a woman as "a conquest" does not validate the fact that the preceding pages give young boys tips on how to pleasure a woman with their tongue.

I urge you to build up our treasured youth - not lay the ground work for their destruction.