Friday, January 5, 2007

Employment Non-Discrimination Act

Please do NOT support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act or any similar legislation.
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) has been re-introduced in Congress with wording that would prohibit discrimination based on “sexual orientation”.

Legislation such as this would destroy our rights to freedom of speech, religion and association. It will also open the floodgates for frivolous lawsuits and government control of private businesses.

- It would turn groups like the Boy Scouts into targets of federally funded lawsuits.

- Be a major expansion of federal power over the workplace and create a new way for the government to manipulate employers.

- Make people’s sexual temptations a source of material for federal lawsuits. The law should deal with actions, not beliefs.

- The government would go on record supporting the practice of having sex with more than one person. This is a direct challenge to laws designed to protect marriage.

- The U.S. government would be placing people with traditional views of morality into opposition to their own government.

- Prohibit employers from taking into account destructive sexual conduct in the hiring of education and child care worker positions.

- Afford special protections to an already privileged group. Statistically, homosexuals do not qualify as a bona fide minority group, as determined by the U.S. Supreme Court. Homosexuals are not defined by an immutable characteristic, they are not economically deprived, nor do they suffer from a history of discrimination and political powerlessness.

- Change national policy by forcing the government to abandon support for marriage – the bedrock of every healthy society. By declaring traditional morality regarding sexuality as a form of “discrimination,” ENDA will undermine the special status of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

- Lead to further demands by homosexual activists to force others to celebrate abnormal and unhealthy sexual behavior. Many corporations that adopted “sexual orientation” policies soon found themselves besieged by demands for outright “gay pride” celebrations. Anything less than open promotion is regarded by many homosexual activists as “discriminatory.”

- The bill utterly ignores freedom of conscience for individuals

- Although there is a world of difference between skin color and sexual behavior, liberal courts are likely to blur the distinction and to regard traditional morality as a form of “bigotry.”

Current national policy is committed to upholding and supporting marriage and family. ENDA would initiate an inevitable assault on marriage as “discriminatory” and further weaken efforts to restore marriage to its societal primacy.

ENDA will inspire lawsuits by homosexual activists, who will cry “homophobia” when an employer cleaves to policies that favor marriage, family and traditional sexual morality.

1 comment:

john said...

Thank you for sharing your opposition to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) because you feel it bestows "more rights than any other person" to gay people. I appreciate knowing your concern about this issue.

The Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) would prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Proponents of this proposal argue that such a law is appropriate in light of the US Constitution's guarantees of equal protection and due process to all.

I do not believe ending employment discrimination based on sexual orientation is giving anyone extra rights. It is wrong to fire or demote an individual based on their race, gender, religious affiliation or sexual orientation, and Congress should make this principle clear.

With best regards, I am


Barack Obama
United States Senator