Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"Mistresses" desensitizes our society to adultry


As a parent and father, I strongly encourage your company to drop all plans of financially supporting the inappropriate ABC program "Mistresses" which airs on Monday evenings at 10:00 p.m. ET/9:00 CT. This show is degrading to women and damaging to our culture.

I am appalled that your company is sponsoring a show that displays affairs and casual sex, often with multiple partners, as normal and acceptable behavior. ABC's "Mistresses" is attempting to desensitize our society and our children.

While your company is a household name, I do not agree with your financial backing of this program. Not only is this program insulting to conservative viewers and traditional families, but it also focuses on infidelity and adultery.

As a consumer, I am asking you to please pull your ad immediately, and to support moral values and family-friendly programming instead. My decision to support your company depends on it.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding my concern.

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