Thursday, November 16, 2006

FoxTV: Anti-Family animated shows and sitcoms

Sent to advertisers for these shows (Wendy's, Taco Bell, Toyota, AllTel, Dominos, etc)

I am writing to you today to request that your company stop supportinI am writing to you today to request that your company stop supporting vulgar, indecent, and immoral television content. Specifically, stop advertising on Fox Television network on the shows “American Dad” and “Family Guy”, and the sitcom “The War at Home”. Each goes from bad to worse in their attack upon decency and their erosion of morality. Just a few short years ago, it would have been truly unthinkable that the content aired by Fox on these Sunday night shows would air on network television, let alone become tolerated and commonplace.

[NOTE: I excluded examples from the shows that are too graphic for me to repeat here.]

Your company advertised on one or more of the pornographic shows listed above.

I am outraged at the degrading themes your company is supporting with your advertising dollars. My family and friends will not patron a business that sponsors such depravity. It is my hope that you were merely unaware of the content of these shows, and that your company will reposition your advertisements in support of more family-oriented programming.

“The War at Home” advertisers:

“Family Guy” advertisers:

“American Dad” advertisers:

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