Please vote against Senate Bill 3101. Creating the Early Learning Task Force would only waste taxpayermoney.
Most studies have shown that any educational gains arelost by the 3rd grade. Additionally, recent studiesfound attendance at preschool programs, even for shortperiods of time, hindered young children's socialskills.
The 2005 Stanford University/University of Californiaresearch study reported, “We find that attendance inpreschool centers, even for short periods of time eachweek, hinders the rate at which young children developsocial skills and display the motivation to engageclassroom tasks, as reported by their kindergartenteachers.” This lack of development of social skillsinvolved three specific areas: “children’sexternalizing behaviors (such as, aggression,bullying,acting up), interpersonal skills (such as, sharing andcooperation), and self control in engaging classroomtasks.”
Please find attached a document listing 32 referencesto reports that lead to the conclusion that young fare better when cared for by parents instead of being"institutionalized".